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Our Beliefs


I. We are a FOUNDATIONAL CHURCH:  I Corinthians 3:11

By this we mean that Union City Baptist Temple has only one FOUNDATION: JESUS CHRIST. Our purpose is to glorify Him, proclaim Him, exalt Him, trust Him, please Him, honour Him, and preach Him. Our desire is to love the Lord Jesus Christ with all our hearts, to spread the good news of the Gospel everywhere we can, and then to teach the foundational truths of God’s Word to those who are saved.


II. We are a FUNDAMENTAL CHURCH:  I Timothy 3:14-16; II Timothy 3:16-17

In a day when “fundamental” can mean a myriad of things, we insist that to be a church true to God and His Word, we cannot and must not forsake the fundamentals (basics) of the faith. We are a fundamental church that uses ONLY the KING JAMES BIBLE in our preaching and teaching. We affirm without apology the doctrines frequently identified as the “Fundamentals of the Faith”, which include the deity, virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, efficacy of the shed blood, bodily resurrection, and imminent return of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Divine inspiration and preservation of the Scriptures; the salvation of sinful man by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ; a literal six-day creation; the sanctity of human life; the priority of home and family; a real Heaven and Hell; the work and ministry of the local New Testament church, etc. We are truly an independent Baptist church, not a member of any convention, organization, or fellowship. However, we do fellowship with churches of like faith and practice. The Bible is our final rule for faith and practice. We, therefore, believe that the “fundamentals” are a necessary part of the proper foundation of any true New Testament Church and the criteria for fellowship with other churches.


III. We are a FAMILY CHURCH:  Ephesians 5:22, 6:4

We at UCBT put a great emphasis on home and family. We believe that a strong home is the foundation of a strong church and a strong nation. We believe there is a great need for men to rise up and be Godly servant- leaders in their homes. Ladies are to be Godly helpmeets and diligent mothers. We support proper Christian education.  Whether it be in a Christian school or in a structured homeschool environment.  We teach and preach that children are to obey, honor, and respect their parents and those in authority. We also encourage public school children and teens to STAND for God and righteousness. We do not profess to have “all the answers” in these areas, but realize the great need for encouraging, instructing, strengthening, and motivating God’s people in these much needed and very often neglected areas of training. Our goal is Godly couples in love with God and each other, raising Godly children with a heart for God, His Word, and His Work.


IV. We desire to be a FRUIT BEARING CHURCH:  John 15:1-16

We are convinced the ministry of the child of God and the local church is to “bear fruit”. For that purpose we strive to be a consistently SOUL-WINNING ministry. We believe that includes spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, winning souls to Christ, baptizing those converts, and then discipling them to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 18-20). With the purpose of seeing a harvest of souls, our ministries are focused on soul -winning. We have a regularly scheduled door-to-door SOUL- WINNING time. We also do FOLLOW-UP visitation and SUNDAY SCHOOL visitation, etc. at various times during the week. Our goal is to be involved in varied ministries to reach as many people as we can with the Gospel. These include children’s ministries (VBS, Jr. Church, Children’s Church, etc.), teen ministries (activities, youth conferences, mission trips, etc.), a bus ministry, nursing home ministries, etc. As these opportunities and ministries present themselves, we will do all we can to use these tools to reach souls for the Lord Jesus Christ and, by God’s grace, glorify Him by attempting to “bear fruit” (John 15:8)


V. We are a FAITH PROMISE MISSIONS CHURCH:  Matthew 28:19-20

Here at UCBT, we are putting a great emphasis on World-Wide Missions and support of missionaries through Faith Promise Missions giving. One of the highlights of our calendar year will be our ANNUAL MISSIONS CONFERENCE that will stir and challenge hearts for souls across the street and around the world. We also will have missionaries speak on a regular basis throughout the year. Our desire is to continue to grow in our missions outreach. We believe that Missions is the heart beat of God and we desire to reach the lost around the world.


VI. We are a FRIENDLY CHURCH:  Proverbs 18:24

Our church family at Baptist Temple is a genuine, down-to-earth, and sincerely friendly group of people. We strive to show our visitors and new families that we are truly glad and honored they have chosen to visit and/or join with us. There is always a warm smile and a kind handshake waiting for our visitors, friends, and family. We are overwhelmed by the goodness of God bringing folks in to visit with us week after week. Our desire, though, is not to just shake a hand and share a smile; we endeavor to genuinely care for one another. With that purpose in mind and on our hearts, we pray with, fellowship with, and try to properly care for each other in our church family.


VII. We are a FAITHFUL CHURCH:  I Corinthians 4:2, II Timothy 2:2

As Pastor, let me say, I am so very grateful that the Lord has allowed me to labor with such a wonderful group of folks for the cause of Christ. God has used a nucleus of people here at Baptist Temple over the years that are FAITHFUL. Our goal is to THRIVE as a church family − reaching, growing, serving, and loving. God is already adding FAITHFUL folks to our family to help us achieve that goal. Why not come and see what God is doing at Union City Baptist Temple? UCBT is not a trophy case where folks sit on the shelf and show off their stuff. It is a place where a group of sincere (not sinless), principled (not perfect), and faithful (not forgetful) folks are serving together trying to make an eternal difference for Jesus’ sake. If you are looking for a place to serve God and reach people in a caring church, then pray about becoming a part of Union City Baptist Temple. We care about you!

© 2016 Union City Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.

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